2023-09-13 18:06:22
UCL石材建筑景观作品集,石材建筑的复兴——创造一种新的生产景观形式,一个新系列!后续会继续为大家分享UCL建筑设计的毕业作品,本期为2021年Uncommon Ground主题作品Pete Davies同学的作品,一起来看看吧~
UCL石材建筑景观作品集,石材建筑的复兴——创造一种新的生产景观形式,一个新系列!后续会继续为大家分享UCL建筑设计的毕业作品,本期为2021年Uncommon Ground主题作品Pete Davies同学的作品,一起来看看吧~
This year’s brief challenged students to rethink the edges and intersections between landscape and the urban realm,hand-in-hand with those between public and private space.These relationships are fluid,volatile,contested and reciprocal,and challenge the polarised notions that the unit continues to revisit:preservation versus progress and wilderness versus culture.
Situation Abnormal
Our rural environment is substantially cultured as‘wilderness kept in check’or for the production of vast quantities of food–70%of the UK’s land is agricultural.Environmental technologies and nature have become inextricably linked;cutting-edge technologies are increasingly deployed that engineer nature from the micro-scale of genetically modified crops to the global scale of GPS agricultural automation.Furthermore,the landscape is crisscrossed with infrastructural networks,inter-urban links of road and rail that also connect cities with their surrounding rural areas and the regions of supply with the centres of demand.We ask,‘What are the radical outcomes of the synthesis of urban and rural spaces?’
A further blurring of the distinction between rural and urban,and private and public is the privatisation of nature.‘Natural capital’,stocks of natural assets,access to and control of material resources,even natural ones like forests and fields–soil,geology,water,air and all living things–are controlled by property rights where commercial agendas can overturn seemingly common sense.In our cities too,‘public’spaces are being transferred to private ownership–Privately Owned Public Space(POPS)–with byelaws,urban design,surveillance and policing to control perceived misuse.We ask,‘How can architectural and technical innovations alleviate the pressure of private encroachment on public environments?’
We can see that the future of the city is inextricably linked to that of the rural.Controversially,some advocate for re-commoning:the application of a‘sharing economy’to urban space,borrowed from archaic rural environments that persist today.Contemporary commons are not only a material resource;they are also a form of social organisation that could be revisited in our urban environment.During lockdown,the use of urban parks soared where the Commons Law–the right of certain individuals to enjoy the property of others–was exploited and the Victorian parkland concept of‘rational recreation’–the ordered and orderly use of landscape–was stretched to breaking point.We ask,‘How can principles of commoning be applied to urban space?’
Pete Davies
Year 5 Portfolio Prize
因此,石头语言中心解决了英国废弃采石场的未来问题,旨在重新激活北威尔士Nant Gwrtheyrn休眠的花岗岩采石场。随着花岗岩需求的下降,南特的采石场在1930年代被废弃。威尔士语言中心在1980年代收回了南特,山谷经历了从出口自然资源到出口知识和文化的转变。石语中心旨在利用该地区丰富的文化和工业特色,作为创新、教育和建设的实验室。该项目提倡结构性石材建筑的复兴,并展示石材从开采到材料回收和再利用的全生命周期效益。
探索在Nant Gwrtheyrn山谷内进行新的文化和物理规划干预的潜力